
Zoom flash tv series
Zoom flash tv series

More awkward still is that Garrick really is dead. ("Jay's death is not in vain.") How awkward. In "King Shark," Barry gives a rousing speech about how he and his friends should be honoring Jay's memory he even displays Jay's helmet in a place of honor. They saw Zoom reach out through one of the breaches a fraction of a second before it closed and murder Jay.

zoom flash tv series

It was only for the benefit of the audience Barry and Team Flash have no idea that Jay is this season's nemesis. Let's back up to that reveal for a second. But, as is the way with this show, the logistics of the whole thing are fairly mind-boggling. Labs team as a friend, both to get close to that Earth's Flash and to learn more about his own cellular degeneration. It makes sense that Zoom would infiltrate the S.T.A.R. 23 episode "King Shark," that theory was seemingly confirmed for good. Garrick was a popular guess for the big bad's secret identity among fans, given his outsider status.

zoom flash tv series zoom flash tv series

It seems that Jay Garrick is Zoom, the Earth-2 speedster who's been wreaking havoc across dimensions all season. Before The Flash zoomed off for a short hiatus, it answered the question that's been fueling debate all over the Internet since Season 2 began.

Zoom flash tv series